Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Beef with Ketchup

There is a Wendy’s commercial from the 80’s that asks, “Where’s the beef?” I say, “Who cares? Where’s the ketchup!” No matter how rancid meat may be, ketchup can mask that taste. If you are eating a hamburger, fries, or eggs you might put ketchup on your food, and this may happen to be Heinz. It is the world’s largest distributor of ketchup in the world. When you eat in a restaurant it is very likely that you will see Heinz on your table.
However, there is one table where you will not find Heinz ketchup. The St. Louis Christian College (SLCC) cafeteria does not buy one of the 650 million bottles of Heinz sold in the world each year. SLCC uses Monarch brand ketchup.

Should the SLCC cafeteria use Heinz ketchup? I believe so and here are a few facts about Heinz: no animal products, contains Lycopene, no hidden MSG, and upside bottles. Now let me show you what Monarch is all about: paprika.

I argue that the SLCC cafeteria should switch to Heinz. Heinz is synonymous with ketchup. Monarch is synonymous with mediocrity. SLCC students fail at so much: grades, exams, reports, and MAP. Let us at least succeed in ketchup.


Alicia said...

B.J., I never knew you were the blogging type. I'm going to put a link to your blog on mine, if you don't mind? Gabe is on often to see the pictures and stories I post of our beautiful daughters so I'm sure he'll stop by your blog just as often. No pressue, but the man likes a good laugh now and then, so be sure to deliver!
Happy blogging! And sorry about the crap ketchup.

Gabe said...

Excellent start! Keep up the good work. And pass that Heinzs legislation quickly.

ThatOneRedhead said...

I just linked to you. Now you'll get all the benefits of the shared traffic.

P.S. The type of ketchup doesn't matter so long as it's not refrigerated.